School Uniform
We take great pride in our children wearing the school colours.
The wearing of school uniform is expected and parents are urged to provide it. Children benefit greatly from a sense of pride in their school and their personal appearance and this is enhanced by a neat uniform. Please have all articles of clothing clearly marked with your child’s name. This makes the identification of lost property quite straight forward. If it does not have a name on, the property will go straight to our lost property box in the main office.
Our school’s uniform
Uniform: Black or charcoal grey tailored skirt, trousers or shorts. White blouse or shirt. Black or white socks. In the Summer, pink and white striped or gingham dresses. No fleeces except for outdoor wear.
Branded items: HFJS maroon jumper or cardigan. HFJS school tie.
P.E. Kit: Black, charcoal grey or maroon coloured tracksuit bottoms, shorts or leggings. White T shirt, trainers and a maroon jumper. This can be the HFJS jumper, HFJS hoodie or a plain maroon jumper.
Swimming: For swimming, all children will need: a one-piece swimming costume or trunks. A hat, goggles (optional) and a towel. These must all be named and kept together in a separate, water-proof bag/carrier.
Shoes: Black shoes with low heels - not boots or trainers as these are not appropriate for school wear. No high heels due to Health and Safety.
Jewellery: Watches may be worn but are solely the responsibility of the child. All other jewellery such as rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings are not permitted for health and safety reasons. Children who have pierced ears may only wear studs and these should be removed for swimming and P.E. lessons.
Smartly presented hair. No shaved heads or dyed hair. No nail varnish, make up or false nails.No large hair accessories. We encourage hair accessories to be school colours.
We encourage the children to bring a water bottle every day.
HFJS's Pre loved uniform sale ( 50p per item) - Please speak to a member of our office staff.
HFJS school uniform can be purchased at Danielle’s, Unit 5B Claydons Lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7UP, Tel: 01268 967542. Alternatively, we sell pre- owned uniform from school office.