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Holt Farm Junior School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

Ofsted Statutory Information Summary

Holt Farm Junior School Contact Details

Holt Farm Junior School

Ashingdon Road




01702 545131


Headteacher: Mrs Claire Richardson

Deputy Head and SENCO: Mrs Gillan

Holt Farm Junior School is proud to be part of the South East Essex Academy Trust, a company limited by guarentee, registered in England and Wales.  Company number: 7527304.  Registered Office: SEEAT, Westcliff High School for Girls, Kenilworth Gardens, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, SS0 0BS.

For the contact details of the South East Essex Academy Trust, pleasae visit https://www.seeat.org/

Admission Arrangements

To find out more about our admission arrangements, please see our Admissions Page

OFSTED Reports

To information regarding out latest Ofsted report, please see our Ofsted School Performance Page

Exam and Assessment Results

For information regarding our exam and assessment results, please see our Ofsted School Performance Page.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Click here to view our Equlity and Diversity policy.

Equality Objectives

Click here to view our Equality and Diversity policy.

Complaints Policy

Click here to view our Complaints policy and Whistle blowing policy

Annual Reports and Accounts

To view details of our annual reports and accounts, please visit https://www.seeat.org/financial/.

Trustees information and Duties

To find out more about our governance structure, please see https://www.seeat.org/topic/about-us

Holt Farm Junior School - Financial Benchmarking

Please visit https://www.schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk for more information.

Charging and Remission Policy

Click here to view our Charging and Remmisions policy.


Click here to view our assessment procedure.


To find out more about our curriculum, please see our Curriculum Page.

Behaiviour Policy

Our behaviour policy can be viewed on our policies page.

Pupil Premium

Click here to view details of our use of Pupil Premium funding.



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